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Software Release   Mail & Deploy 3.5.11 Now Available: Fix for Qlik November 2024 Authentication Issue and ODBC Driver Support

Happy #Feature Friday!

Feature Friday: Release

Very excited to start an ongoing series we are calling “Mail & Deploy #Feature Friday”!

We often get people saying: “There are so many great features in Mail & Deploy, but sometimes I do not know that they are there!”

That is why, at the end of every week, and of course, for every Friday, we will publish a post that explores a Mail & Deploy feature in detail. Our aim is to improve the knowledge of our powerful Qlik Reporting Suite and showcase you how Mail & Deploy makes reports from QlikView and QlikSense better and how we can help you too.

Hopefully, with these quick and snackable feature bites, we will be able to surface more of the cool things, Mail & Deploy already has and of course, we are constantly adding. In most cases these will be existing features — but ones that you may not have discovered yet.

So let us get started with our first one:

Execution Calendar

The execution calendar is a feature of Mail & Deploy that allows you to visualize previous and future executions.

The calendar does not only have a historical and recent view of executed tasks but also show you future jobs. This makes it easy to schedule new report tasks if one can find upcoming schedules in a single location.

With the filtering option, you also have the possibility to filter all your executions. You can select and deselect filters based on repositories (tasks, reports and users), on execution tasks (regular, request, subscription) or on states (future, successful, cancelled, failed) and display them in a month and day view.

So you can keep a complete overview of your executions and have a quick and easy way to manage your automated report distribution.

What is more, successfully executed tasks are immediately highlighted in colour in the executions calendar and you can directly view the respective log files.

Example: Mail & Deploy Execution Calendar

For more detailed information on the execution calendar in Mail & Deploy please contact us. We are happy to show you even more features of Mail & Deploy in a personal webinar.

And if there is something you love in Mail & Deploy that you think people would like to hear about, shoot us a message at and we will add it to the list for a future Feature Friday episode.

Happy Feature Friday to everyone!

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