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Configuring Mail & Deploy is ridiculously simple

Feature Friday: Installation & Setup

A new #Feature Friday to support your crisis management!

The need for ready-to-use and user-friendly software has just accelerated. The rapidly growing impact of the COVID-19 crisis hit hard and showed companies their vulnerabilities. When they are unprepared and do not have the necessary applications, infrastructures, and policies in place, they need to act flexibly and quickly to avoid something worse.

In this time of crisis, management must ensure the smooth operation of the IT infrastructure, business processes and organization. This requires the right mix of technology, patience and agility to support business continuity.

In this context, we would like to shed light on the following Mail & Deploy feature today to enable teams of experts from various departments to start their reporting very quickly in order to defuse this crisis and other business challenges:

Simple installation, configuration and updates 

Configuring Mail & Deploy is ridiculously simple. With setup taking less than a few minutes, you can start generating, scheduling and sending your reports from Qlik View and Qlik Sense instantly.

A quick guide to get you started with Mail & Deploy

Here are 10 easy steps to complete your Mail & Deploy installation:

  1. Check the system requirements
    Before you start the installation make sure, that all the system requirements are met. You can find the overview here:

  2. Get the latest Mail & Deploy release
    By subscribing to/purchasing Mail & Deploy you will be provided with a license of the latest version of Mail & Deploy

  3. Run as administrator Mail & Deploy Server’s installation file
    (Mail & Deploy Setup.exe)
    Choose “Install Mail & Deploy Server”. Opt for the Service Account format: DOMAIN\account (preferred option). If the account is a local account then opt for NAMEOFMACHINE\account. In CMD, use the tools: hostname, whoami

  4. Run as administrator Mail & Deploy Client’s installation file (Mail & Deploy Client Setup.exe)

  5. Copy the license file
    The License file should be copied to M&D Folder\Server\Data\Licensing\License.lic

  6. Run Control Panel (Mail & Deploy Server Control Panel.exe )
    You will find the file here M&D Folder\Server\Mail & Deploy Server Control Panel.exe

  7. Verify the license in the Control Panel under License

  8. Verify configuration in the Control Panel under Settings
    Set the Default Language: currently English and German.

    Set the Maximum Concurrent Executions: This is the maximum number of parallel executions performed by the execution engine; this number is limited by your license.

    Set the Maximum Processors: This is the maximum number of processors which limit the consumption of system resources by some components of Mail & Deploy. Currently, this setting only controls how many processors an instance of QlikView used by Mail & Deploy is allowed to use.

    Set the Connectivity with the Main Server Port (This is the port used for the communication between Mail & Deploy Clients and the server) and/or the Hub Port (This is the port on which the HTTP web server of Mail & Deploy-Hub is started) and/or the API Port (This is the port used between the server and the application using the API). You must ensure that the firewall has these ports open.

  9. Create the first repository in the Control Panel under Repositories
    With the “new” icon create the first repository. Take note of the administrator account as it will be the first one to be used when running the client. Then go in the Control Panel to Overview and start the service.

  10. Run the client (M&D Folder\Client\Mail & Deploy Client.exe)
    Select the previously created Repository.

Now your installation is complete and you are ready for redefining your Qlik reporting with Mail & Deploy.

The advantage of Mail & Deploy is that the server runs in one single service, the ports are configurable and updates can be done with one click for the server and are automatically done for the designers.

In case you need further assistance with your Mail & Deploy installation, reach out to us. We are here for it all and are happy to help you get started with your reports from QlikView and Qlik Sense.

Stay safe! Stay healthy! Stay strong! Together, we can – and we will – beat this!

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