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#Feature Friday – Perfectly Printable Reports out of QlikView® and Qlik Sense®

Feature Friday: Printable Reports

Mail & Deploy empowers you to deliver complex, high-resolution and printable reports out of QlikView® and Qlik Sense®. You have full control of the customization down to the pixel level so the rendered report set is exactly to spec. This enables you to deliver reports of perfect quality in a printed version to your users.

Happy #FeatureFriday!

Today, management still insists on printed reports. That is why professional looking and printable reports in a high resolution have become an essential requirement for making better business decisions. One bad print of a chart, diagram or table and it could fail to accurately convey critical information.

Many of our today’s customers also had to wrestle with this problem. BI tools such as QlikView® or Qlik Sense® are designed for high precision data presentation and profound analyses. However, this does not necessarily mean that dashboards, documents and applications that look perfect on the screen also look like this on printed paper.

This week we are covering a feature that our users have frequently asked for and which was certainly one of the reasons why they opted for Mail & Deploy:

Perfectly printable reports

Mail & Deploy gives you the full functionality you need to design production-ready reports and deliver them to users quickly and easily. It supports you along your report designing process and you keep full control in every step.

Report Elements

There is a large number of report elements available in Mail & Deploy that you can select and display in your report template. Select an element and perfectly customize it to your needs with the corresponding attributes and design settings.

Report elements

Drag & Drop Designer

The embedded designer allows to create and adjust report elements conveniently by using drag & drop. So you can put everything in the right place.

Drag & Drop Designer

Report Preview

Mail & Deploy allows you to see a precise preview of your report. This makes it easier to see what a report recipient might get without having to go through the trouble of publishing yet. This means you can spend more time designing your reports.

Preview of Reports


When it comes to printing your reports, you keep full control on the resolution of charts, tables and diagrams with the scaling option. All of this enables the reports to be of perfect quality in a printed version.

Scaling option

Mail & Deploy empowers you to deliver complex, high-resolution and printable reports out of QlikView® and Qlik Sense®. You have full control of the customization down to the pixel level so the rendered report set is exactly to spec. This enables you to deliver reports of perfect quality in a printed version to your users.

Want to see some examples? Then book your product tour now and unleash the potential of your Qlik® reports.

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