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Mail & Deploy Roadmap Update I Q4

This updated roadmap gives you an overview of what you can expect for the remaining months of 2022 and an outlook on what is coming in 2023.

Update Roadmap Mail & Deploy Q4

We had previously released our Roadmap at the start of this year with our plans for 2022. We also mentioned that it would change and evolve during the year, as new features are reprioritized to adapt to the reality of developing and to customers’ business needs.

Below you can find an updated version of our Roadmap! It gives you an overview of what you can expect for the remaining months of 2022. You may notice that some things have been removed. Do not worry, these have only been delayed to next year and are still in the plans!

We have also added a few new things to the roadmap, which we are super excited about!

This includes the connection between Mail & Deploy and Qlik. It got an upgrade and makes Mail & Deploy more performant now. And in 2023, we are planning to implement improvements in the user interface of Version 4.0. That will give Mail & Deploy a fresh touch with some visual changes and better navigation. The simpler design and more intuitive arrangement should give all users a better experience!

As of now, we do not want to reveal too much! We will begin sharing more on our social channels once the dates get closer! So stay tuned! And now take a look below!

2022 Q4

  • New Self-Service Extension Features
    With version 3.3.0, we release an updated version of the self-service extension. It includes a lot of new features, easier configuration options and more power:

    – Start tasks from within the Extension

    – Add a cycle (one for each value of the dimension you chose) and create a collection of reports in the report requests

    – Get a list of workspaces and a list of reports/tasks to choose from

    – Send parameters

    – Change the colours of the buttons and texts

    – Add a condition to show and hide the button

    – Add a condition to activate the report or task request (that is, the button is visible, but a condition has to be true for the button to work – for example, you can show the button if condition 1 is true, but only enable the request if condition 2 is true)

  • New Qlik-Connection
    The connection between Mail & Deploy and Qlik got an upgrade as well. This makes Mail & Deploy more powerful and reports can be created even faster.

Coming in 2023

In 2023, we are planning to Release Mail & Deploy Version 4.0. This version will bring a completely new interface and an API overhaul. For this version, we are going for evolution instead of a revolutionary approach. There will not be any migration involved. It will be an in-place update, but it will be completely based on the new .NET 6 platform.

  • New user interface
    Fresh touch and a more intuitive user interface that is cleaned up to give you a much better overview and navigation experience. Other improvements comprise the introduction of paging, search and sorting functions …
  • API overhaul
    This will make Mail & Deploy more performant and more compliant with current web standards.
  • Mail & Deploy on-premise and SaaS for Linux and macOS
    The migration to the new .NET 6 platform makes it possible that the Mail & Deploy Server can run on Linux and macOS in addition to Windows.
  • Command-line Interface
    We will also release a command-line interface. That is for those of you who want to use the API of Mail & Deploy and who do not want to write complicated HTTP requests with JSON or any other interfaces (e.g. for simple tasks like executing a task at the end of a Qlik Sense® load script). We will provide a command-line tool that you can start simply by giving it the command line parameter like, for example, the name of the task you want to execute. So you can quickly integrate Mail & Deploy functionality in your existing systems.
  • New self-service extension capabilities with Section Access
    The Mail & Deploy Self-Service Extension will not only support requesting a report from the extension from within Qlik Sense® but also give the user the ability to design reports from within Qlik Sense®. You can then move objects to a page and create PDF files or Microsoft Powerpoint files from it. Furthermore, it will also allow you to use section access. It will automatically use the section access of the user requesting the report through the extension. And we will add alerting functionality to the extension.

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