Featured Customer 
Vagabond shares relevant sales analyses in appealing reports with Mail & Deploy
“356 users, 18 groups – Mail & Deploy is perfect for our reporting needs.”
Johan Bengtsson
Business Process Developer, Vagabond Shoemakers R1 AB

The brand Vagabond was first born in Sweden in 1973. The foundation of today’s Vagabond Shoemakers happened twenty years later. Ever since the start, the vision has been to be a global fashion brand within shoes, for the fashion and quality-driven consumer.
To ensure the continual growth and success of the company, Vagabond uses Qlik for their sales analyses. With Mail & Deploy, 36 reports based on the Qlik data are created on a regular basis. Some of them are distributed via email, some are saved for administrative purposes or as part of a process/function.
22 active tasks are running daily, weekly and/or monthly.
In total, 356 users and 18 groups are already receiving sales reports with Mail & Deploy.