With Mail & Deploy, you can easily share reports with your decision-makers, team members or clients without having to give access to your Qlik® platform. Learn 5 easy ways on how to distribute regular updates about your business analytics out of QlikView® and Qlik Sense®.
Hello to a new #FeatureFriday!
Are you looking for a way to get regular updates about your business analytics out of Qlik®? Or do you want to share your reports out of QlikView® and/or Qlik Sense® with your executives, team members or even clients?
If you want to show data from your Qlik® Data Integration and Analytics platform to others, you would have to give them access to your system. Since the data is private and confidential, allowing everyone to view it is not safe for your business.
But there are some simple ways you can share engaging reports without having to give access to your account. In this #featurefriday episode, we will show you how to share your data-driven reports with others inside or outside your organization via Mail & Deploy.
Let’s dive right in…
View Your Analytics in regular E-Mails
Distributing your reports by email, you can send daily, weekly or monthly reports delivered straight to your decision-makers inbox. It helps them to keep on top of all business efforts and get important to make business decisions.
You can add email addresses dynamically (Dynamic User and E-Mail-Addresses and Active Directory User Groups) or statically. Plus, you can also customize your reports by adding an expression or an HTML Report Document to your Email Body.
And you can change these settings as your workflow changes.

Another benefit of sending your reports by email is that you can keep your executives, managers and leads constantly informed about the business progress. By delivering them up-to-date reports on a regular basis, they can see the most important KPIs, relevant changes, and useful ressources for that day, week or month.
Share Qlik® Reports with Others in a File System
The next way you can share your reports out of QlikView® or Qlik Sense® with others is by saving them to a File System. Report-recipients then can open any report in the required file format with a click of a button.
But you might be wondering, how is this useful?
Well, you can save any report in different formats (Word®, Excel®, Powerpoint®, PDF or PDF/A ) for further analysis and use them later. Or maybe you would like to share a particular report or individual pages of a previously created report as images with another team member or a client.
To save any report to a File System, you just have to use the appropriate action and add the file path as an expression.

Allow Others to View and Download your Qlik® Reports in the Hub
So far we have seen 2 simple ways of sharing your Qlik® reports with others by sending report by email and saving them to a file system.
But you can also give your report-recipients permission to view and download your reports in the Mail & Deploy Hub.
Distributing report to the Hub and adding and removing Hub users or user group is very simple. Just create the “Distribute Report Document to Hub Report Document Library“-Action and then you can control which users and/or user groups can view and download the report. Furthermore, you can dynamically assign report-recipients or add a static list of report-recipients.

For more detail, check out our Knowledge Base on how to distribute your reports with Mail & Deploy.
Upload your Reports To FTP-Server
With this file-sharing option, reports can be sent directly to FTP destinations. The FTP-Support is a basic feature of Mail & Deploy and answers the desire of Qlik® users to deliver reports to two separate destinations, like an FTP server and a folder destination.
Ultimately, the biggest benefit of using FTP servers over other choices is the level of security that these managed options can provide. Another benefit of using an FTP server is the level of control that you can gain over your data. Furthermore, an FTP server enables you to send gigabytes of data all at once. It gives you a single location to store all of your files. And it ensures that your files are never lost, from your everyday data to your most important and sensitive files.
Learn more about the FTP-Support in our #FeatureFriday – FTP-Support to be able to distribute your reports to folders.
Share your Qlik® Reports via Microsoft® SharePoint, OneDrive and Teams
Now, are you wondering, how to share your reports with collaborative tools like Microsoft® SharePoint, OneDrive and Microsoft Teams?
Share exploitable pieces of information in engaging reports via such communication channels and ensure that the whole team can follow the overall business progress. This way, Mail & Deploy brings your communications about Qlik® data and insights to the next level.
Watch our video here to see the full power of this feature in action:
With Mail & Deploy, you can easily share reports with your decision-makers, team members or clients without having to give access to your Qlik® platform. Learn 5 easy ways on how to distribute regular updates about your business analytics out of QlikView® and Qlik Sense®.
And that’s it!
We hope that you liked this #FeatureFriday on how to share your reports out of Qlik®. You can also go through our Knowledge Base article on how to distribute your reports with Mail & Deploy.
Don’t forget to follow us on Twitter and LinkedIn to get to know the latest news on Reporting Automation with Mail & Deploy.
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